In just 7 days you can learn how to totally prevent unnecessary birth trauma AND create the most incredible experience of your life! Birthing your baby fully empowered, conscious and confident!

What you will get:

👉 7 Days of powerful birthing wisdom in easy to watch videos! (Including the things that your hospital birthing course will NEVER tell you)

👉 Our mind blowing pregnancy meditation that brings our mamas to tears of gratitude, self love and awakening

👉 Exclusive pregnancy love and support from the best ‘Conscious Birth Mama Village’ online community

👉 Powerful pregnancy online women's circle to share your journey and story

👉 Daily rituals including morning and evening routines and downloadable diary to schedule them in. (This will set you up for success when preparing for your incredible empowered birth)


JOIN 7 Day Ultimate Birth Challenge beginning Sunday May 7th

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