Get Access to the Conscious Birth Method
Completely transform your pregnancy and birthing mindset, connect to your birthing feminine archetypes, know EXACTLY what steps to take to prepare for your amazing birth and avoid the biggest mistakes pregnant mothers make that hospital staff will never be allowed to tell you!
Did you know that 1 in 3 births are traumatic?
We don’t want you to become another birth trauma statistic sweet mama! It is simple to learn how to avoid and prevent unnecessary birth trauma. It is possible for you to have the empowering and positive birth you dream of!
Let us teach you how!
You Can Create Your Dream Birth
Learn the foundations for an incredible, empowering and positive birth:
- Learn about why women fear birth and how it is no longer relevant in this day and age.
- Understand your rights and your choices when it comes to giving birth.
- Know the #1 reason why women experience birth trauma and how to avoid it.
- Learn how to ride labour pain and sensations like a powerhouse goddess.
- Shift your mindset from fear, doubt and anxiety to total excitement towards your birth.
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
In the Conscious Birth Method, you’ll learn how to take control of your birth and enter motherhood empowered and full of self belief!
Within The Next Week, You Could…
- Begin feeling totally confident and excited about your upcoming birth
- Have a complete birth plan to share with your care providers and birth support team
- Be connected to your primal birthing brain on a daily basis
The right birth preparation can make all the difference between starting motherhood feeling empowered or on the back foot trying to process horrific birth trauma.
The choice is in your hands mama...

Kristie (Conscious Birth Method Student)
"I gave birth a few hours ago. It was 100% physiological in a hospital. I barely saw the midwife. My partner and I delivered our baby. And hours later, I’m still marveling at my body and my mind. I have said things tonight like, “I can do anything now”, “I wish all women knew we had this power”. My support team have gone home in awe.
Thank you, deeply, for sharing your gifts with us so that we may have empowered births that take us to dimensions we never realised existed."
The Conscious Birth Method
Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Birth?
This course will teach you and your partner EVERYTHING you need to know to prepare for your incredible and empowering birth. You’ll learn:
- How to give birth without interventions, no matter where you are planning to birth
- How to drop into your primal birthing brain
- How to map out your dream birth and communicate it to care providers
With a simple shift in your mindset and some savvy birth preparation practices, you could start feeling excited and confident about your upcoming dream birth.
What's Included In The Conscious Birth Method...

Foundations + Ancient Wisdom
Your birth is your foundation to motherhood. Here you will learn EVERYTHING you need to know about birth, including:
- How to shift your mindset for a positive, empowering and trasnformational birth
- How your autonomic nervous system is hardwired to birth. What it will feel like and exactly how to tap into the brainwaves that support your birthing body
- Connect with 7 powerful feminine archetypes that are essential for a smooth birth and postpartum experience
- Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about a normal physiological birth. How to avoid the "cascade of interventions". All about Caesareans and birth complication statistics, solutions and prevention
You’ll finish this pillar feeling like a birth expert, with complete clarity and a solid foundation of what cultivates and supports an empowering and positive birth experience and feeling confident that you are on the right path.

Mind, Body + Spirit Preparation
With your birth knowledge in great shape, the next step is to dive into the practical action items and prepare every part of your mind, body and spirit. In these lessons, you’ll learn:
- How to create a birthing alter, debunk negative beliefs, heal previous birth trauma and release fear and anxiety around birth for good
- Learn the benefits of prenatal yoga and pilates, nutrition, supplementation and low tox lifestyle
- How to do couples yoni and perineum massage to prepare for birth and prevent yoni trauma and tears
- Learn empowering feminine embodiment practices that will have you feeling like the pregnant goddess that you are
- Learn how to use meditation, visualisation and affirmations to connect and communicate with your baby everyday
You’ll finish this pillar feeling better than you have in years, with an empowering daily routine that nourishes your mind, body and spirit whilst fully preparing you for labour, birth and motherhood.

Your Birth Plan Template
Now bringing all the knowledge and wisdom you have gained from the previous lessons into your own unique tick and flick Birth Plan Template. With this template, you’ll learn:
- How to choose the right care provider to support your dream birth
- Where to birth, who you want there, what to bring, how to setup your space, who has what role
- How to communicate your pre-labour, birthing and postpartum desires to your birth support team and care providers
- How to create a plan A and plan B so you feel totally in control, prepared and empowered no matter what unfolds during your birth
- How to work as a powerhouse team with your birth partner because they know exactly what your expectations and desires are
You’ll finish this template with a complete vision and plan for your birth that you can share with care providers so they can support you 100%.

Powerful Birthing Techniques
With your birth plan fully prepared it's now time to dive into the time tested, powerhouse, pain relieving birthing techniques that align with your dream birth. In these lessons, you’ll learn:
- 20+ different techniques, practices, skills, tools and movements that help support you, encourage endorphins (natural pain relief) and anchor you consciously into your labour and birth
- Including practical demonstrations so that you can try each one and gather a solid collection of birthing techniques that are perfect for you
- Learn our signature birth techniques that nobody else is teaching, including: "The World Bridger", "The Wild Woman", "The Oxytocin Pump", "Theta Bonita" and "Eyes In"
You’ll finish this pillar feeling totally equipped, armed with the worlds most powerful birthing techniques and most importantly excited, confident and ready to birth your baby.

Partner's Birth Support Training
Now it is time to help educate your partner so that they are feeling as confident, prepared and informed as you are! Partners are your guardian and greatest advocate, they know you better than anyone. In these lessons you will both learn:
- The 5 vital questions partners need to know, so they can communicate with care providers whilst mama is in the zone birthing
- How to create a toolkit with specific techniques to shift the birthing mama out of any "crisis of confidence" or the fear / pain / tension / doubt cycle
- The Love Languages and how to use them during labour and birthing
- About the Warrior archetype, how to cultivate and connect with it and WHY it's so important during birth
- 2x bonus videos from co-founders husbands; a mans perspective on how to best support your woman during labour and birth
You and your partner will finish this pillar feeling more bonded and connected as a team than ever before. You will both be excited and confident about your upcoming birth and know exactly what your roles and responsibilities are!
Ahhh breathe a sigh of relief!

The Golden Hours Postpartum
Finally it is vital to know what to expect in the first hours after giving birth and moving into the first 40 days postpartum. There are still quite a few personal choices to make, let us make it easier for you. With these lessons, you’ll learn about:
- Skin to skin, how to naturally birth your placenta and all the choices you can make around what to do with your beautiful placenta
- What is delayed cord clamping, vernix and their amazing benefits
- All the essentials on colostrum and breastfeeding. How to manage any after-pains and postpartum bleeding
- Why it is so important to debrief post-birth, who you can talk too and specific questions to ask
You’ll finish these lessons 100% ready, equipped and confident to have your baby and make conscious informed choices every single step of your unique journey.
Here Are The Game-Changing Benefits Of This Course…
✔ Get absolute clarity on normal physiological birth and how to create an environment that supports you
✔ Experience a positive, empowering and transformational birth experience
✔ Manage labor pain with time tested, proven techniques that work
✔ Say goodbye to anxiety and fear with powerful meditations and visualisations
✔ Learn how to train your brain into anchoring specific birthing brainwaves
✔ Avoid harmful interventions to protect you and your baby
✔ Know how to activate and cultivate your magic birthing hormones and feel excited and confident about your birth
✔ Know exactly how to communicate your wants, needs and desires with your care providers
✔ Reclaim your fully embodied feminine archetypes including the divine nurturing mother and fierce wild woman. Both of whom you need for birthing
✔ How to switch yourself out of the fear-tension-pain-doubt cycle or any of crisis of confidences that may come up
✔ Prepare your Yoni and perineum for a trauma free birth
✔ Turn your birthing experience into one of the most empowering, life transforming days of your life
✔ Create the most comprehensive birth and postpartum plans available on the internet
✔ Turn your partner into the worlds most incredible and supportive “dude-la” male doula
✔ And much more…
But that's not all.....
When you sign up today, you will also get these 4 incredible bonuses for FREE!!
FREE Bonuses for an incredible empowering birth...

Birthing Essential Oils Masterclass (Value $149)
Everything you need to know about essentials oils during pregnancy, labour and birth:
- What essential oils are supportive in pregnancy and which oils to avoid
- How to use essential oils for pain management, crowning and post care recovery
- Which oils activate the release of oxytocin the "love" and birthing hormone
- How to use oils to detox your home and create the safest and healthiest environment for your new baby
- How to make natural baby products so you don't expose them to unnecessary chemicals earth-side
- Includes 5 video lessons and 60+ page guidebook
You’ll finish this masterclass with a solid foundation of how to use your essential oils for optimal health and wellness during pregnancy, labour and motherhood.

The Mother Blessing Ritual Guidebook (Value $149)
How to create your own "Mother Blessing" Ritual and be honoured, nourished and supported by the women in your life. In this guidebook, you’ll learn:
- What it is, when to have it, why it can be so powerful, who to invite and what you need
- Get clear on your dream vision of your birth and have your circle hold your vision with you
- Create your custom mother blessing by choosing from the rituals in the guidebook that feel deeply significant for you
You’ll finish this guidebook with a crystal clear understanding of exactly how to plan and have your own stunning Mother Blessing Ceremony.

The Postpartum Plan Template (Value $149)
This is something most mamas learn the hard way!
BUT, not you! The postpartum plan is ESSENTIAL for a graceful transition into motherhood beyond the birth. It is the #1 tool we wish we had for our postpartums!
In this template, you’ll learn:
- How to do postpartum like a Queen and have a partner and community who supports you 100% because they too understand the massive importance of postpartum replenishment
- How to prioritise and balance the mother and baby's needs, partners needs and the entire families needs during your postpartum on an easy tick and flick template
- How to navigate disputes and different desires, suggestions on how to find balance and make sure all family members are nourished during this transition phase
- Who to call when you need outside support, including phone numbers of your fav care providers, acupuncture, chiro, lactation consultant to save having to research providers when or if your struggling
You’ll finish this postpartum plan with clear boundaries, expectations, roles, responsibilities and clarity on what you both need in postpartum and who to ask for help.
This postpartum plan is a marriage saver and should be a prerequisite for EVERY birthing couple!

Matrescence Support + Resources (Value $149)
Becoming a mother is a life long blossoming. Here we share wonderful supportive resources to nurture, inspire and support you on your journey. With these lessons, you’ll learn:
- Where to find humour, joy and other mum's just like you if your feeling overwhelmed by the immense "mothermorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly Queen
- Which postpartum supplements, nutrition and natural medicine support is going to be most deeply replenishing
- How to navigate mothers sleep and baby's sleep and the essential art of carving out me time to fill your own cup
You’ll finish these lessons feeling supported, nourished and validated in all you may be going through as a new mum.
It is so vital that mothers know that they are not alone and support is available.
And the Pricing…?
You must be wondering:
“If this birth education is that good, you must be charging a fortune for it.”
And that’s fair.
After all, none of the information shared is available anywhere else on the internet...
To put things into perspective…
The Conscious Birth Method delivers
👉 90+ succinct fun and energetic video lessons of life changing modules to completely prepare you for birth and support your rebirth into the conscious mother you envision yourself becoming (Value: $2,999)
👉 140+ page stunning guide and workbook that will become your new fav keepsake documenting the enormous and beautiful transformation that you journeyed through whilst preparing for your birth (Value: $199)
👉 12x deep, powerful and transformational meditations, visualisations and conscious birth transmissions that have brought our mothers to “healing tears” and spark great awareness and awakening on their journey (Value: $299)
👉 BONUS #1: Birthing Essential Oils Masterclass - using oils in pregnancy, birth, baby and postpartum (Value: $149)
👉 BONUS #2: The Mother Blessing Ritual - 40+ page guidebook with everything you need to know to plan the most perfect mother blessing ritual (Value: $149)
👉 BONUS #3: Matrescence Resources and Support - 10x video lessons and 25 page guidebook (Value: $149)
👉 BONUS #4: Postpartum Plan Template - Video lesson and 50+ page template to plan a smooth, graceful postpartum with your partner and support team (Value: $149)
👉 Peace of mind that you have done absolutely EVERYTHING in your power to prepare, educate, grow and blossom into a conscious, confident and empowered mama, excited to give birth and ready to rebirth yourself into your fully embodied feminine potential (Value: Priceless)
👉 Exclusive lifelong access to the private ‘Mama Village’ community where you are supported by a like minded sisterhood throughout your motherhood journey (Value: $999)
👉 You will feel excited, confident and empowered to birth the way you envision and blossom through your rite of passage into motherhood and beyond
This course is worth over $5000.
Not to mention the hundreds of thousands you will save by not having ongoing birth trauma therapy and medical bills!
But we are so committed to ending birth trauma, we are giving you an insane 92% DISCOUNT!!
So you can have some extra cash in your pocket to buy those adorable organic cotton baby clothes! 💸
Today you won’t have to pay even half of that…
Not even $1000.
Yes, for a limited time you can get this course for $397 only.
Yep, just $397
You could have one dinner at a fancy restaurant...
You can get started preparing for your dream birth.
And you get full access to the Conscious Birth Method instantly.
As soon as you join... You'll get an email receipt with a link to access the training videos and downloads.
You can access it anywhere, immediately and you have access for a full 365days.
So you can revisit this training and wisdom all throughout your pregnancy and into motherhood too!
Oh and in case your wondering...
There is no catch!!!
If your thinking "$397 is cheap... What's the catch?" then here are three reasons to put your mind at ease:
1. We are on a mission to END birth trauma! We don't want you to become another mother entering motherhood unnecessarily injured, traumatised or with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), wondering what went wrong, all because she didn't have access to the right birth education!
2. We don’t want money to stop you from experiencing an incredible, life changing, empowering birth!
3. We believe that healing the way women birth and baby's enter the world will heal the earth for all the future generations to come. We want you and your baby to be a part of the legacy where women reclaimed their power by reclaiming the way they birthed...
At this price, the Conscious Birth Method is a no-brainer, beautiful mama.
You can have an empowering birth!
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind...
Time Is of the Essence ⏳
This is your once in a lifetime chance to completely prepare your mind, body, spirit AND partner for the birth of your baby! Gifting you the most empowering memorable rite of passage into motherhood and beyond!
We have got you mama!
Claim your life changing birth education now before it's too late!
The Conscious Birth Method

Here's our promise to you...
We are so confident that the Conscious Birth Method will help you have an incredible, transformational and empowering birth that we are more than happy to offer you a full refund after your baby is born if you did not feel empowered and confident to navigate your birth!
Hear What Women Who Love The Conscious Birth Method Are Saying...

The Conscious Birth Method

This Method Is For You If...
- You want to have a positive birth and make informed decisions every step of the way throughout pregnancy and birth.
- You want your baby to have the gentlest start to life with no unnecessary interventions or medications
- You know that birth is a 'Rite of Passage' into motherhood and want to do the deep inner work to make the transformation as empowering as possible.
- You know that your body is made to give birth and want to birth your baby the way women have for hundreds of thousands of years.
Hi, we are Tahlia (natural wellness mentor & birth advocate) and Belle (Acupuncture doctor)
We’re on a mission to empower women like yourself to protect you from birth trauma.
Over the past 9 years, we have had 6 natural, empowering and life changing births between us…
But in the beginning, we were just like you…
Confused, stressed, and clueless about how things work…
We were scared of the labor pain and the negative consequences of medical interventions.
Every day was filled with so much anxiety about how everything will turn out. Countless conversations trying to figure out a way to avoid all the interventions, policies and procedures.
What was supposed to be a really positive experience was slowly turning into a nightmare. Navigating the system was hard, overwhelming and at times brutal.
The worst part?
We didn’t have anyone to help us out.
That’s when we decided no woman should ever feel this way…
Especially about what can be, such an incredible experience.
That’s why we created the Conscious Birth Method!

"This course, so far, has helped me to step into a deeper level of awareness of Birth. It is helping me to feel equipped to handle the challenges and EXCITED to go through the experience (which I was kinda sorta terrified of before starting this course)."
- Mandy (Conscious Birth method student)

"This course was beautifully put together by Belle and Tahlia to help birthing women feel supported and empowered, and take radical responsibility for their own journey through pregnancy and birth."
- Stephanie (Conscious Birth method student)

"I'm absolutely blown away by the richness of this course. I've gained a bigger sense of trust in my body and in the birthing process. I've realised that it all comes back to creating self-agency and being able to make informed and conscious choices for myself. Thank you Belle & Tahlia for sharing all your wisdom & knowledge with the world. It is so needed!."